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Surrender to Sandy?

November 1, 2012

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<span style="font-size: small;">Not a chance. Even with -- power out; roadways and streets flooded and strewn with trees and crackling power lines; mass transit crippled; land line telephone service cut; and, cellular service spotty at best -- WCM attorneys and staff "texted" themselves back to serving you, our clients, and your insureds. Or else, we did business the old fashioned way -- meeting face-to face in small groups.</span>
We give thanks that all WCM personnel got through Frankenstorm in good form, though many of us are still without heat or power in our homes and apartments. Our hearts go out to those who have suffered greatly, and we have resolved to help others in any way we can.
But we wanted everyone to know that we are fully back in business in New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania and nothing has slipped between the cracks.
Your Friends at WCM


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